A Revolution in Gut Science and Blood Sugar Balance

Zive 7 works! Our commitment to efficacy is evident through published results, ensuring you get only the best blend of high-quality ingredients. The freshness and efficacy of each component have been meticulously validated, NSF Certified for Sport and made in the USA, so you can be confident that Zive 7 delivers on its promise every single time.

Dive into our world and boost your wellbeing to superhero levels. 

The Powerful Ingredients of Zive 7

With a comprehensive approach to diverse digestive health needs, Zive 7 offers a full spectrum of digestive support in one simple capsule.

Dandelion Leaf

Dandelion has been used traditionally to support various aspects of health, especially digestion. Its benefits include stimulating the production of digestive juices and bile due to its bitter properties, improving appetite, promoting bile production for better fat digestion, acting as a prebiotic for gut health, offering anti-inflammatory effects to soothe the digestive tract, and having mild laxative properties for regular bowel movements. These actions contribute to enhanced overall digestion and gut health.


Ginger has been valued for centuries in traditional medicine and cooking for its myriad of health benefits. It aids digestion through stimulating digestive enzymes, alleviating gastrointestinal discomfort, accelerating stomach emptying, reducing inflammation, and combating nausea and motion sickness. Its antioxidant properties also support gastrointestinal health.

Milk Thistle Extract

Milk thistle (Silybum marianum), known for its hepatoprotective properties due to silymarin, indirectly supports digestive health through liver cell protection, stimulating bile production, providing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, and believed to alleviate symptoms of certain digestive disorders.

Juniper Berry

Juniper berries are new on the gut health scene!  Historically recognized for their health benefits, these berries are thought to support digestive health through diuretic effects, reducing bloating and water retention; antimicrobial properties, inhibiting harmful bacteria; stimulating digestive enzymes for better food breakdown; and relieving digestive discomforts like gas and bloating.

Fennel Seed Extract

Fennel is renowned for its versatile role in digestive health. Its ability to calm the digestive system, relax smooth muscles, control appetite, exhibit antimicrobial effects, and alleviate bloating and gas underscores its valued position in both traditional medicine and culinary practices for promoting digestive well-being.

Black Pepper

Black pepper, a common culinary spice, offers numerous digestive health benefits. Its key component, piperine, stimulates digestive enzymes, enhances nutrient absorption, promotes gastric secretions, and may alleviate gastrointestinal discomfort. Additionally, black pepper can support bowel regularity and possesses antibacterial properties, potentially preventing gastrointestinal infections.

Horsetail Plant Extract (Equisetum Arvense)

Horsetail Plant is a traditional herb not widely recognized for its role in digestion. It may offer indirect digestive benefits through its potential anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties, and its nutrient content, including silica and flavonoids, could contribute to overall health and thus, digestive wellness.

Parsley Leaf

Rich in antioxidants, Parsley combats oxidative stress and inflammation, and has natural diuretic effects to reduce bloating and water retention. Parsley is also known to boost bile production for better fat digestion, support the production of digestive enzymes, and reduce gas and bloating with its carminative properties. Additionally, it's a good source of dietary fiber for bowel regularity and possesses potential anti-inflammatory effects to soothe the digestive tract.

Marshmallow Root (Althaea Officinalis)

Marshmallow is valued in herbal medicine for its mucilaginous properties, providing soothing effects on mucous membranes, especially in the digestive tract. It offers a protective layer to reduce inflammation and discomfort in conditions like gastritis, heartburn, and ulcers. Additionally, marshmallow extract can alleviate symptoms of indigestion, GERD, and IBS, and supports bowel regularity due to its soluble fiber content.

Biotope 7 blend

Reduce Inflammation

Fungal Protease aids digestion by breaking down proteins into peptides and amino acids, enhancing nutrient absorption, reducing digestive discomfort, and supporting overall digestive health by ensuring proteins are properly digested, minimizing the risk of irritation or inflammation in the digestive tract.

Better Digest Carbohydrates, Fats and Lactose

Amylase, lipase, and lactase are essential enzymes for digesting carbohydrates, fats, and lactose, respectively. Amylase breaks down complex carbs into simpler sugars, starting in the mouth and continuing in the small intestine, aiding in nutrient absorption and supporting digestive health. Lipase breaks down dietary fats into fatty acids and glycerol in the small intestine, facilitating their absorption and reducing gastrointestinal discomfort. Lactase is crucial for digesting lactose in dairy products, converting it into glucose and galactose for easier absorption, essential for those with lactose intolerance. Each enzyme plays a vital role in maintaining digestive efficiency and health.

Support the Breakdown of Complex Carbohydrates

Cellulase, glucoamylase, invertase, and diastase are enzymes crucial for digesting complex carbohydrates. Cellulase breaks down cellulose into simpler sugars, aiding in fiber digestion. Glucoamylase converts starches into glucose, improving nutrient absorption. Invertase splits sucrose into glucose and fructose, simplifying sugar absorption. Diastase initiates the breakdown of starches into simpler sugars in the mouth, easing digestion. Including these enzymes in supplements can support digestive health by reducing discomfort from poorly digested carbohydrates.

Enhance Protein Digestion & Relieve Discomfort

Bromelain, papain, and pepsin are enzymes crucial for protein digestion and enhancing gut health. Derived from pineapple, papaya, and fungi (or the stomach for natural pepsin), respectively, these enzymes break proteins into smaller peptides and amino acids, aiding digestion, reducing discomfort, and improving nutrient absorption. Bromelain and papain also support gut flora balance, while pepsin works optimally in the stomach's acidic environment, initiating protein breakdown for better absorption in the small intestine.

Enzyme blend

Magnesium Bisglycinate

Magnesium significantly aids digestion by relaxing muscles for smooth food movement, activating enzymes for nutrient breakdown, regulating stomach acid, preventing gastrointestinal disorders like acid reflux, and relieving constipation through its mild laxative effect.

Beet Fiber

Derived from the root vegetable beet, this dietary soluble fiber is chock full of digestive benefits. Beet fiber helps improve bowel regularity, acts as a prebiotic for gut bacteria, enhances digestive health, lowers cholesterol, stabilizes blood sugar levels, and supports weight management. These functions contribute to overall well-being by maintaining a healthy gut environment, preventing constipation, and supporting cardiovascular health.

Bacillus Coagulans

This revolutionary probiotic bacterium is capable of surviving harsh stomach acids to reach and positively impact the intestines - getting the probiotics where they actually need to be to support digestion - the intestines!! Bacillus Coagulans helps balance gut microbiota, aiding in digestive disorders like IBS and IBD, improving nutrient absorption, supporting immune function, and reducing digestive discomfort such as bloating and gas.

Detoxify, Balance Microbiome and Reduce Inflammation

L-cysteine, Lactobacillus plantarum, and Lactobacillus rhamnosus play vital roles in supporting digestive health. L-cysteine, known as a glutathione precursor, aids in detoxification, antioxidant protection, and mucous production, contributing to a healthy digestive environment. L. plantarum and L. rhamnosus, as probiotic bacteria, help balance gut microbiota, improve digestion, support immune function, and may alleviate symptoms of digestive disorders. They also offer benefits in detoxification and reducing inflammation, making them beneficial for overall gut health. Lactobacillus acidophilus is a beneficial probiotic that supports digestive health by balancing gut microbiota, improving nutrient absorption, relieving gastrointestinal issues, bolstering immune function, and aiding in detoxification. It helps maintain a healthy microbial environment in the gut and vagina. Bamboo shoot and leaf extracts offer health benefits due to their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties, along with supporting digestion and potentially aiding in weight management.

The Game Changing Role of Biotiope 7

Crafted to nurture a balanced gut microbiome, boost digestion, and uplift your overall health. Packed with powerful ingredients like magnesium bisglycinate, beet fiber, a probiotic mix, and L-cysteine, it promises smooth digestion, consistent regularity, and a robust gut lining. Not stopping there, it also delivers antioxidant immune defense. Embrace a holistic path to daily gut wellness with Biotope 7, and transform your health starting with you gut.

Ready to Boost Your Health with Zive 7?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is PFC3?

PFC3 is a holistic lifestyle approach that integrates nutrition and wellness with the science of behavioral change, promoting a sustainable way of living. Co-founded by Zive 7 developer and renowned nutritionist, Mark Macdonald, a New York Times bestselling author, alongside behavioral specialist and women's health expert Carrie Lupoli, PFC3 emphasizes the importance of balanced nutrition. 

The acronym PFC3 stands for Protein, Fat, and Carbohydrate, consumed every three hours to help maintain blood sugar balance, which is essential for overall health.  However, PFC3 represents much more than just a nutritional guideline; it embodies the opportunity to experience food freedom and to live confidently while pursuing optimal health by focusing on the synergy of body, mind, and lifestyle. 

Education is at the heart of PFC3's philosophy. Their flagship program, "100 Days of 1%," advocates for small, incremental improvements that lead to significant results over the course of 100 days.  This revolutionary approach eliminates the need for dieting, food tracking, and restrictions, guiding you to achieve your best health - 1% at a time. 

For more information visit www.mypfc3.com 

I am having trouble making my purchase, can you help?

Absolutely! We know how frustrating that can be. First, double-check your payment details and ensure everything is correct. If everything seems fine but you're still having trouble, feel free to reach out to our support team at support@shopzive.com or give us a call at 1-855-TRY-ZIVE. We're here to assist you!

How can I return the product?

We want you to fall in love with Zive 7! But if it’s not quite your thing, no worries! Enjoy a 30-day risk-free trial. If you’re not satisfied within those 30 days, just reach out to our awesome customer service team for a full refund. Shoot an email to returns@shopzive.com, and they’ll walk you through the super easy return process. No stress, just good vibes!

Can you ship Internationally?

For international shipping, please reach out to our Customer Service team at support@shopzive.com. Provide your address so we can inform you of the shipping costs. Buyers are also responsible for tariffs that may apply. As we work to deliver Zive 7 to you, please be aware that there are certain regions we are currently unable to ship to.

How do I get Zive in Hawaii or Alaska?

Please reach out to our Customer Service team at support@shopzive.com with your address, and we'll provide you with the shipping costs. We're thrilled to deliver Zive 7 to you!

Can I take this product given an allergy concern?

Your safety is our top priority. If you have any allergy concerns, please review the ingredient list on our product label or our website. If you're still unsure, it's always good to consult with your healthcare provider before taking Zive 7.

Where is this product manufactured?

Great question! All of our Zive 7 products are proudly manufactured in the USA, in facilities that follow strict FDA guidelines. Also, our products are NSF Certified for Sport. We believe in quality you can trust!

How long will it take to know if it's working?

The time needed to experience the benefits of Zive 7 varies for each individual. Typically, improvements can be noticed within a few weeks. Consistency is vital, so stay committed! The digestive enzymes and herbs begin working immediately to enhance digestive function. However, achieving overall digestive health may take several weeks, with results differing from person to person.

How does Zive 7 work?

Zive 7 blends herbs, spices and probiotics that: 
  1. Stimulates gastric secretions and digestive enzymes, including bile, to enhance digestion. 
  2. Relaxes smooth muscles, alleviating bloating and cramping. 
  3. Promotes protective mucous production to soothe and shield the intestinal lining from inflammation and improve bowel movements. 
  4. Encourages microbiome diversity for a healthier gut. 
  5. Provides diuretic effects to reduce water retention and intestinal swelling. 
  6. Offers anti-inflammatory benefits for the intestinal lining. 
  7. Supplies prebiotic fiber to boost microbiome diversity and support the production of butyrate, a potent anti-inflammatory and essential nutrient for the intestinal lining.

Do I need to make dietary changes alongside taking Zive 7?

No, you don't have to change your diet while taking Zive 7!  But, if you decide to eat a bit cleaner, you might just unlock even better results. Think of it this way: cleaner food can help calm your gut, and Zive 7 is right there cheering you on in your journey to feel amazing!

Bloating? Yeah, that's the number one complaint on the list. But mixing cleaner eating with Zive 7 has been a total game changer for so many. And don't worry if you're not ready to make those dietary tweaks all at once - lots of folks are still experiencing the awesome results with Zive 7 alone! Just check out our reviews and stats on gut health - it's all about feeling good and enjoying the ride. Remember, getting healthy should be fun, not a chore! Let's make it happen together! 

How does Biotope 7 support digestive health?

The probiotic organisms in Zive 7:
  1. Support a healthy pH in the upper intestinal tract to prevent bacterial overgrowth. 
  2. Encourage proper digestion and absorption of carbohydrates to better control blood sugar. 
  3. Improve microbiome diversity and balance. 
  4. Enhance immune function of the intestinal tract. 
  5. Prevent antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Improve the clearance of toxins. 
  6. Support women's health.

Can Zive 7 be taken with other supplements?

High doses of some ingredients may worsen stomach issues, so avoid supplements with duplicate ingredients. Some herbal supplements can negatively interact with medications. Consult your doctor before taking any herbal supplement.

Do I need to stop taking Magnesium while taking Zive 7?

Magnesium is a water soluble salt and important to regularity.  If you're taking it as a supplement, it's not likely that 2 capsules of Zive 7 will offset your digestive system.  If you do take more capsules and/or otherwise feel your digestive system tipping out of balance, back off the Magnesium supplement and evaluate. 

Can you take Zive 7 if pregnant?

Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any supplement while pregnant. The ingredients in Zive 7 are generally considered safe at the dosage suggested by the manufacturer.

Can you take Zive 7 if you are diabetic?

If you have diabetes, it's important to approach supplements cautiously and consult with your healthcare provider before adding any to your routine. Digestive enzymes, herbal contents, and probiotics are generally considered safe for people with diabetes.

Can you take Zive 7 if you have a medical concern?

Got a medical concern? Better safe than sorry! We highly advise you to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, including Zive 7, especially if you have existing medical conditions or are taking other medications.

Will Zive 7 interfere with medication absorption?

Some herbs, such as ginger and black pepper, can have mild effects on drug metabolism. While significant interactions are generally unlikely, it's crucial to discuss their use with your healthcare provider, especially if you are on medications with a narrow therapeutic range. 

Individual responses to supplements can vary significantly. Factors such as metabolism, existing health conditions, and the specific medications you are on can influence how your body reacts to supplements. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice.

Can I take Zive 7 if I am on antibiotics?

Yes, you can! You should confirm with your health provider, of course! In fact, Zive 7 can help counter the damage of antibiotics on the gut microbiome. Keep on Ziving!

Can you take supplements if you are on blood thinners?

If you are on blood thinners, it's essential to exercise caution and consult with your healthcare provider before taking any supplements or making significant changes to your diet. High doses of digestive enzymes and herbal supplements can have blood thinning or antiplatelet properties. Never exceed the recommended dose and pay attention to any abnormal bruising or bleeding.  

Can you be allergic to herbs?

Yes, it is possible to be allergic or have sensitivities to herbs. Allergies can vary greatly among individuals, and reactions can range from mild to severe. Here are some considerations for specific substances:

Herbs: dandelion, ginger, milk thistle, juniper, fennel, black pepper, horsetail, parsley, marshmallow root.  Allergic reactions to herbs are possible, and individuals may be sensitive to certain plant compounds.

Can you take supplements if you are under the age of 18?

Children and adolescents are still growing and developing, and their nutritional and health needs can differ from those of adults.  The ingredients listed are generally considered safe in children over the age of 2, but you should consult your child's health care provider before taking any new supplements. Do not exceed the recommended dose. 

Can immunocompromised individuals take supplements or make dietary changes?

Individuals who are immunocompromised should exercise caution when considering any supplements or dietary changes. Their immune system may not function at full capacity, increasing the risk of complications. Please check with your health care provider. 

Learn more about the Story of Zive and the experts behind it!